This is going to be my very first blog here.
Because lots of parents are talking about it at the moment.
+Some parents think this is a great idea as technology is now so ingrained in daily life.
- Some parents are very concerned that allowing young learners to get their smartphones or iPads out in the classroom is just asking for trouble...
Here I made the table with pros and cons after hearing from parents I know.
To find more ideas parents, educators and students currently attach to this topic,
Here is a link for further reading.
Technology use can be in many ways an enriching learning experience.
From my own experiences, there are THREE key elements for good utilization of tech in classrooms.
User Friendly for both Teachers & Students
Clear Objectives
Training for both Teachers & Students
In today’s blog, we will focus on the first bullet point.
The very first app I used was Edmodo, a very well-received product in the learning market. Being the ‘easiest way for educators to connect and collaborate with students, parents and each other’, I however found it troublesome. It was not only difficult for me to set up with lesson plans, but also tricky for students to log in and collaborate. It turned out a mess to use in the classroom.
On the other hand, I luckily found Kahoot, a very well-designed augmentation of multiple choice quizzes. Traditionally a multiple choice quiz or test is done with paper and pen. It’s easy to control the class for the teachers but it’s boring for the students.
The Kahoot quiz app can do the same thing but in a really fun, motivating way. It has been used a lot in my classes and received a lot of positive feedback from students. You cannot imagine how crazy the class turns! It’s a game-based platform, turning simple multiple choice quiz from paper to screen. Videos and fun images that come along with the questions greatly amplify students’ participation and motivation. So they are fully engaged in learning.
Apart from being fun and exciting, most importantly, the app is as easy as using paper and pen. For teachers, you input the lesson questions in the Kahoot account, instead of paper. Then you load the Kahoot quiz on screen, instead of handing out the paper. For students, they just click on the answers, like how they tick on paper. They even start making their own quizzes in their free time because they love it so much. It’s a great win-win situation for teachers and students.
除了有趣之外,最重要的一點便是這個app和傳統紙筆一樣容易上手。對老師來說,你只需要將課堂問題輸入Kahoot帳號,就像在紙上準備問題教材一樣。然後你只需要在大螢幕上打開,而不再是將問卷髮給學生們。對於學生來說,他們只需要輕輕點擊ipad 上的答案,取代在紙上回答。他們甚至主動要求創作自己的Kahoot的題目因為他們實在非常喜歡這個活動。于老師于學生這都是雙贏的狀態。
So if the technology is user friendly, this is the first step to saying YES! to technology in the classroom.
We will discuss about the next two bullet points in the coming blogs.
Thank you!